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College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Prestigious university based on the spirit of Love, Light & Freedom

College of Rehabilitation Sciences

· Korea's one and only College of Rehabilitation Science which is also Korea's best rehabilitation professional training center
· Equipped with state-of-the-art educational facilities such as cutting-edge lecture rooms, faculty offices, experiment and practice rooms, auditoriums, and student union offices
· Developing rehabilitation supplementary devices and rehabilitation programs at the rehabilitation engineering center
· Dispatching a large number of students as interns to the Center for Advancement of Post-Secondary Studies (CAPS) at the Maplebrook School in New York, USA, Professional Assistant Center for Education (PACE) at National-Louis University in Chicago, USA, and the CM Rehabilitation Center in New Hampshire, USA for technical research in advanced rehabilitation fields
·In March 2009, moved from Daegu Campus to Gyeongsan Campus by expanding the College of Rehabilitation Science building
· Producing professional rehabilitation science human resources in preparation for tomorrow's society while producing rehabilitation specialists in all parts of rehabilitation for the disabled by establishing the Department of Occupational Therapy in 2011
Rehabilitation Counseling
Speech Pathology
Rehabilitation Psychology
Medical Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation & Health Promotion
Physical Therapy
Occupation Therapy
Special Creation Convergence