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Prestigious university based on the spirit of Love, Light & Freedom

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Energy Harvesting Converging Center
writer : 김현 date : 2020-04-21 14:16:51    hits : 4164
공유 아이콘 페이스북 트위터


The Establishment of Energy Harvesting Converging Center


Daegu University is moving forward to be an energy-leading university in the era of fourth industrial revolution. Gyeongsangbuk-do is also taking action actively for the new-industry business ecosystem regarding the area of energy harvesting, and the university has just started to become active as a leading organization in this business recently.


The technology of energy harvesting using complex-nano materials converts abandoned mechanical vibrational energy, natural light energy, waste heat energy, etc. to electrical energy and then can be preserved or utilized as a contributor of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. According to Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), this technology was chosen as one of the 10 promising technologies that contributes to solving future problems of social inequality in 2015.


In this circumstance, Daegu University recently established the Energy Harvesting Converging Center on campus and appointed professor in Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Daesik Lee as head of the center. The university is the only educational organization that built the related center in order to promote the area of energy harvesting among universities in the Daegu·Gyeongsangbuk-do region.


The center will find national assignments and support to carry out industry-academic cooperation projects with related firms in collaboration with both Gyeongsangbuk-do and the city of Youngcheon. Furthermore, it will play a role to provide the related education for students, researchers, business personnel, etc.


Meanwhile, the university plans to offer a new program of energy system engineering in the academic year of 2021 and build a new division utilizing the previous major program of materials-energy science and engineering in order to train professionals in this field. The major of energy system engineering includes an academic curriculum consisting of subjects, such as new renewable energy, energy harvesting, energy system, energy industry, etc. and provide educational programs regarding new renewable energy and energy harvesting related elements, energy transformation and storage device and related industrial policies.

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